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Also note that we have created a class .custom-dialog, we will use this when creating dialog. src/app/shared/components/dialog/dialog.component.scss-theme.scss. We have to include this theme in our src/custom-component-themes.scss: I open a dialog with, dialogConfig); The ModalComponent only contains
I have these styles added: dialogConfig.backdropClass = 'backdropClass'; This makes the background blurry for me. and. dialogConfig.panelClass = 'panelClass'; which looks like this: width: 720px; height: 416px; margin: 114px 263px 95px 132px; If it is in a single component, just store the ref.
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“style mat-dialog-container” Code Answer. style mat-dialog-container. typescript by Ukulily on Dec 01 2020 Donate. 1. // Overlay-based components have a panelClass property (or similar) // that can be used to target the overlay pane., { panelClass: 'dialog-container-custom' });// then style it from there.dialog-container-custom .mat-dialog-container {padding: The Dialog component is used to show dynamic HTML content which component in a container floating over the content box, this can be closed down by user action like clicking on the close icon.
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1. // Overlay-based components have a panelClass property (or similar) // that can be used to target the overlay pane. this.dialog. I'm working with an Angular Material Dialog Box and I'm trying to make the background a custom color.
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We have to make some adjustments to make mat-dialog-title take some spacing, so that background color is nicely visible. Also note that we have created a class .custom-dialog, we will use this when creating dialog. src/app/shared/components/dialog/dialog.component.scss-theme.scss. We have to include this theme in our src/custom-component-themes.scss: I open a dialog with, dialogConfig); The ModalComponent only contains
I have these styles added: dialogConfig.backdropClass = 'backdropClass'; This makes the background blurry for me. and. dialogConfig.panelClass = 'panelClass'; which looks like this: width: 720px; height: 416px; margin: 114px 263px 95px 132px; If it is in a single component, just store the ref. Useful for manipulating it.
Customizing component styles, Overlay-based components have a panelClass property (or similar) that can be used to target the overlay pane. For example, to remove the padding from a panelClass is defined as. panelClass: string | string[] Extra CSS classes to be added to the snack bar container. It is used to add a class, not a style. While creating an application in Angular 4 using Angular Material 2 modal dialog, it has been noticed that when there is a requirement to simultaneously keep two dialogs open at the same time the first opened dialog closes in Internet Explorer as soon as the second dialog is opened and the second pop-up shows wrong data. panelClass: This class will be added to the panel's HTML element. saveFn: This is a JavaScript function that will be executed every time the save button of the Image Properties dialog is clicked, regardless of whether or not the user has interacted with this particular panel.
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I'm not sure, that you've did everything in right way.
This is the third article of Custom Theme for Angular Material Components Series. let config = new MdDialogConfig(); config.panelClass = 'custom-container widget-container'; gives me next error: ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided ('custom-container widget-container') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens. We are going to need a couple of fields: animationState and animationStateChanged: To keep track of animations of the container and content part of the Dialog.We will base on the animationState and AnimationEvent from @angular/animations to make meaningful decision about when the Dialog is actually closed., { data: myGreatData, panelClass: 'my-great-class', }); Is it possible to add an additional class(es) to a Material dialog?
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BasePopUpDialog=function(){var q='